Early Bird Registration :
12th April 2024
Paper Submission :
27th April, 2025
Last date of Registration :
27th April, 2025
Conference Date :
12th - 13th May, 2025
Cybernetical physics
Physics, cybernetics, and systems
Cybernetical methods and physical systems
Subject and methodology of cybernetical physics
Control of chaos and chaotic systems
Control of oscillations
Control of synchronization
Control of chaos, bifurcations
Control of phase transitions, stochastic resonance
Optimal control in thermodynamics
Control of micromechanical, molecular and quantum systems
Energy control and partial stabilization
Excitation of oscillations and waves in a chain of oscillators
Control of complex crystalline lattices
Control of molecular systems: femtotechnologies
Stabilization of swings in power systems
Ordering arrays of nanoparticles